The Nutcracker /Ottawa 2012/Merry Christmas Ottawa.

The Nutcracker from paul couvrette on Vimeo.

I confess. I am a Dad first and a photographer/businessman second.

Like most parents, I attended the Nutcracker to watch my daughters first performance on the NAC stage . The video above is simply a few snaps I did, mostly to record a moment in
time that would have been lost forever. The point of this ballet is not really about the fine art of dance. It is about kids who work really hard to get onstage and perform an old chestnut
that many dancers think of as a cliche. The Nutcracker is more than that, however. It is a story of great imagination…of the triumph of love over evil.

In this Christmas Season..it is a story that we oftimes brush aside in our cynical times.

The children, however, believe in this fable and their glee is the stuff of our hopes and dreams….
