Ottawa Family Portrait

Life speeds past and before you know it, your toddlers are going to University. So many families today have little to remember those milestones. Sure, selfies and snaps are great for Facebook and your phone, but a professional portrait on your wall will stand the test of time and make great gifts for the parents and grandparents.
Yes gang…this is my own family. We shoot an annual Holiday Season portrait and frankly, never miss a year without a group shot. When I was a child, no matter how tough times were…my parents managed to take the time and care to have great shots done of the kids…images which are now my treasures.
Today, many families are just “too busy”…but frankly, that just doesn`t fly in our family. “Too costly”…not when you consider that a session and prints at our studio is probably less that you pay for your cells and cable each month.

Getting the gang together isn`t expensive…its priceless.

Categories: Family Portraits